How to convert hand written text into digital format ?

How to convert hand written text into digital format ?

To make convert your old hand written document into text format is a not a very difficult.

How to convert hand written text into digital format

By converting into digital format you not only save your document for a long time but also you can share it with others in digital text format.

If you are a writer it will must helpful to convert your old hand written document to digital letter.

Here is the simple steps you can follow to make your document to digital format

Step-1 Open browser and login into your Gmail account

Step-2 Open Google Drive

Step-3 Upload your scanned document into Google Drive

Step-4 Right click your scanned document and open with google docs (it will open in a new tab)

Step-5 Now you can download your digital document by clicking on file -> download (in your desired format)

N.B: Accuracy level is depend on your handwriting. 

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